Engineering Matches

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Services - Energy Usage

Matches provides energy usage estimates for various manufacturing operations. Matches has over five decades of experience in process design and equipment operating requirements. Matches has a large data base for various manufacturing processes. Process energy efficiency is key to competitive manufacturing and reducing environmental impact.

Matches analyzes process flowsheet and equipment selection to estimate power consumption. We assist in improving process energy efficieny by selecting equipment that reduces energy usage. Throughout the energy usage effort, Matches uses its expertise in process and cost engineering to focus efforts to reduce energy usage.

An example is the study of energy usage for producing sodium chlorate. The processes requires a large amount of energy. Several licensed processes are available. Comparison of the energy requirement of each process is a key factor in choosing a licensed process.

Service Request for Process Cost Analysis

Describe the energy usage analysis you desire. Provide contact information so that Matches can respond with confirmation of scope of work, estimated cost and completion time. The work and completion time will start upon your approval to proceed. When we have agreed upon the scope, cost and timing, we will invoice you monthly for work as we complete it.

Your Description of Work and List of Source Documents
