Engineering Matches

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Services - Process Optimization

Matches provided technical assistance to optimize a process unit. Matches has over five decades of experience in producing with a wide variety of product. Process optimization is a continous quest and Matches' assistance helps avoid mistakes and speed implemention. Matches can provided technical assistance to optimize process units as a third party.

Matches can help identify possible areas of process efficiency or product quality improvement. Typically, process optimization requires capital investment to effect process improvement. Matches can help document the improvements and the investment. Matches can help with benchmarking that identifies changes that create value. An optimization study identifies the best changes to keep a producer competitive. Optimization studies confirm the cost of change, provide a measure of benefits and justify change.

A typical optimization improvements is better instrumentation. This leads to better control that avoids over-formulation, improved ease of operation, improved raw material utilization, improved product quality, improve production capacity and reduced wastes. Other process improvement might be equipment cleaning which improved equipment performance, reduces energy losses, improved process reliability and reduced pollution.

Service Request for Process Optimization

Describe the process optimization study you desire. Provide contact information so that Matches can respond with confirmation of scope of work, estimated cost and completion time. The work and completion time will start upon your approval to proceed. When we have agreed upon the scope, cost and timing, we will invoice you monthly for work as we complete it.

Your Description of Work and List of Source Documents
