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Matches provides equipment capital and operating cost
for equipment not found on our web site. Matches has over
five decades of experience in process engineering. Matches
a large amount of process equipment cost data. Understanding
process equipment costs and operating cost are keys to developing
a competitive manufacturing process.
Matches can help select and size equipment based upon your
needs. Once selected, Matches can estimate the cost of the
equipment and the expense of operating the equipment. These
equipment cost modules along with an application
guide improve the equipment selection process.
For example consider the grinding of a solid into a fine
powder. Processing rate, material properties, and feed and
product size are key issues. At low processing rates the
selected equipment might be a hammermill with a low capital
cost and a high operating cost. Alternatively a high
processing rate might suggest multiple pieces of equipment
such as crushers followed by mills with recycle loops. The
capital investment would be higher but the operating cost per
unit of product would be much lower.