Engineering Matches

office (405) 340-2673
fax (866) 583-3035
toll-free (800) 525-6277

Services - Chemical Formulations

Matches provides starting chemical formulations for variety of everyday products. Matches has a significant data base of product formulas relating to chemical, energy, manufacturing and metallurgy. In addition, past searches have identified a wide range of sources for additional product formulations. Matches' assistance helps avoid mistakes and increase speed to market.

Matches' formulas include soaps, detergents, solvent, cleaners, coatings, soap sticks, disinfectant wipes, dies and degreasers.

A typical formulation for shaving cream is as follows:

Ingredient         (weight %)
Water                   83.5
Stearic Acid            5
Triethanolamine     3.5
Propylene Glycol      3
Lanolin                   2
Myristic Acid           2
Paraffin                  1

Service Request for Process Cost Analysis

Describe the chemical formulation you desire. Provide contact information so that Matches can respond with confirmation of scope of work, estimated cost and completion lapse time. The work will start after your review and your approval to proceed. When we have agreed upon the scope, cost and timing, we will invoice you monthly for work as we complete the work.

Your Description of Work and List of Source Documents
